Battle of the Giants 2019

In 2019 Battle of the Giants returns to become the biggest benefit concert of the year and does so in the name of a huge challenge at a time of climate crisis: WATER

Water is our first nourishment

The idea is simple: our body (70% percent water) could not absorb the nutrients needed to have a healthy life without safe water.

Without water it is also not possible to grow food, or keep the livestock that feed the planet.

But we’re losing water.

In 2030, 700 million people will have had to abandone their homes due to the drought.

2100 million people, mainly women, fight a battle of giants to get water. They walk kilometers to reach a well. Girls leave school for it.

Not only is it far: there is less and less. In Africa, in Asia, in Latin America… the drought is drying the soils and aquifers. And scratching the little water there is already is one of the main battles of giants in the world.

We need giants to help great women and men who fight a battle every day to get the water with which to overcome hunger.

Battle of the Giants Concert

BATTLE OF THE GIANTS is a project by Action Against Hunger, based on an original idea from Emilio Aragón and with the executive production of Caribe Estudio.

Emilio Aragón: “In the summer of 2015, I listened to Lucha de Gigantes on my earphones while riding my bike. Recently, I had heard on the radio the news of the exodus of Syrian refugees seeking refuge in Europe. Listening to Antonio (Vega), my old friend, the images of all those people struggling to survive in so many parts of the world made its way into my mind. I had to stop. Lucha de Gigantes was giving voice to each of the individual struggles of all those who suffer. I thought about what we could do from Action Against Hunger to add giants to this struggle that claims the lives of 8,500 children every day, and from there this project was born, which has grown a little bigger every day and, today, is a giant.”

Carlos Vega: “The day when Emilio told me about the project he wanted to carry out with the image and repertory of Antonio, I thought that, at last, something important and deserved would be undertaken, at the level of talent, emotion and generosity that Antonio gave to all of us who knew and valued him. Finally, his music and poetry could prosper in a bigger, universal territory, and, at the same time, continue helping the many of us who believe that the world can and must be better, if we get involved and act from the empathy with those who suffer, from that necessary hope in human beings. BATTLE OF GIANTS reaches us, his family, as a project of affection, recognition and generosity that we receive with pride and deep emotion, and we will do our best to support him.”

Manuel Sánchez-Montero: “War and violence are today the main cause of the struggle of 821 million giants against HUNGER. 122 of the 155 million children with chronic malnutrition live in countries of conflict. Today we have the means and the knowledge to be able to make HUNGER history. We need the support of Giants (citizens, companies, gov-ernments) in order to end hunger for good.”

On October 5, 2018, a charity concert against HUNGER was performed at the Teatro Real opera house in Madrid.